5740 Sheridan Street
Hollywood, FL 33021
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Our treatment
As a family member or friend of someone with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, you shoulder a particularly heavy burden. Helping this person keep some sort of normalcy is key and the type of care needed is physically and emotionally demanding. Ken Care Services is here to help. Understanding that you are not alone is the first step.
Over 4.5 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
About one in ten people over age 65 have the disease.
Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia affect up to 50 percent of people over the age of 85.
Ken Care Services wants you to know that providing specialized non-medical Alzheimer’s care in the home is one of the most positive ways you can help. Most Alzheimer's patients-particularly those in the early and middle stages of the illness-can be cared for at home instead of at nursing homes or other facilities.
More than half of all diagnosed Alzheimer's patients continue to live in home settings.
80 to 90 percent of these rely on family and friends for care.
With Ken Care Services’s specialty Alzheimer’s home care services, your loved one will receive a customized care regimen that will take into account their environment and special needs, thereby making daily life less difficult and stressful.
The Right at Home Alzheimer’s home care services offer:
Familiar frame of reference
Freedom to move about in a more familiar and unrestricted space
A way to minimize those stresses that can aggravate the symptoms of dementia and the Alzheimer’s disease
Daily orientation to time, place, person
Continuity of daily routines and schedule